Capsules Herbal ABX
Herbal ABX is designed specifically as an antibiotic formula for the treatment of infections. According to traditional Chinese medicine, infection is characterized by the presentation of fire, damp-heat and/or toxic heat attacking various parts of the body. Therefore, treatment requires use of herbs that eliminate the offending pathogens. Furthermore, it is important to also treat the complications of infection, such as swelling, inflammation, and fever.
- All types of infection, with or without fever, inflammation, redness and swelling
- All excess conditions, with fire, heat, damp-heat, or toxic heat
- Conditions with red tongue, yellow or greasy yellow tongue coating or forceful, rapid pulse
- This combination is used as an adjunct formula to clear heat
Take 3 to 4 capsules three times daily on an empty stomach, with warm water. Dosage may be increased to 6 to 8 capsules three times daily, if necessary. The herbs should be taken with meals for those with a sensitive stomach.
Cha Chi Huang (Herba Stellariae Aquaticae)
Da Qing Ye (Folium Isatidis)
Feng Wei Cao (Herba Pteris)
Hu Yao Huang (Herba Leucas Mollissimae)
Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis)
Liu Zhi Huang (Herba Solidaginis)
Pao Zai Cao (Herba Physalis Angulatae)
Pu Gong Ying (Herba Taraxaci)
Shu Wei Huang (Herba Rostellulariae)
Xian Feng Cao (Herba Bidentis)
Ya She Huang (Herba Lippiae)